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Crucified - As Demanded by the Mob

Writer's picture: Lynn MatthewsLynn Matthews

Following the mock trial conducted at the Sanhedrin, the religious leaders reached a consensus that Jesus deserved capital punishment. Without the jurisdiction to execute such a penalty, they forcibly escorted a battered and scorned individual to the one authority empowered to pronounce a death sentence.

At the break of dawn, they brought Jesus before the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. Falsely alleging treason against the Roman Empire, they accused Jesus of proclaiming himself the king of the Jews and inciting rebellion by advising against tax payment. These claims against him were fake, as Jesus had said, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and give to God the things that are God's.” (Mark 12:17)

Pilate, recognizing Jesus' innocence, sought to release Him. However, fearing backlash from the religious authorities, he hesitated. Turning to Jesus, Pilate questioned, "Are you the king of the Jews?" Jesus' response was profound: "My kingdom does not belong to this world. If it did, my followers would have fought to prevent my capture by the Jewish leaders. But my kingdom is of a different realm." (John 18:36)

As was customary during the Passover Feast, the governor would grant clemency to one prisoner, chosen by the people. The Jewish leaders were well aware of this tradition and sought to manipulate the crowd gathered outside Pilate's residence. They influenced the crowd to demand the release of a notorious criminal named Barabbas while urging for Jesus to be condemned to crucifixion. This calculated maneuver was aimed at ensuring that Jesus would face the ultimate punishment, despite Pilate's reluctance to convict Him.

In a pivotal moment of decision, Pilate addressed the crowd gathered before him, presenting them with a choice: "Whom do you want me to release to you: Barabbas, or Jesus?" The atmosphere crackled with tension as the crowd, incited by the religious leaders, fervently shouted for Barabbas to be set free. Pilate, perplexed by their vehement response, pressed further, inquiring, "What then shall I do with Jesus?" With a resounding chorus, the crowd cried out, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Yielding to the pressure and fearing unrest, Pilate reluctantly acquiesced to their demands. In a solemn decree, he ordered the Roman soldiers to carry out the sentence of crucifixion upon Jesus, sealing the fate of the innocent man amidst the clamor of the crowd.

As Jesus stood bound and vulnerable, the Roman guards, embodying the ruthless power of the empire, unleashed their brutality upon Him with callous disregard for human dignity. With calculated precision, they subjected Jesus to a relentless onslaught of physical and emotional torment. Their cruel taunts and mocking laughter echoed through the air, mingling with the agonized cries of their victim.

With brutal efficiency, the soldiers stripped Jesus of His clothing, leaving Him exposed and humiliated before the jeering crowd. Each blow of their fists and lashes of the whip tore at His flesh, leaving behind crimson trails of blood that bore witness to the magnitude of His suffering. The sharp thorns of a twisted crown pressed mercilessly into His brow, inflicting excruciating pain upon him.

But it was not only the physical agony that Jesus endured at the hands of His tormentors. Their scornful ridicule and derision pierced His soul like a sword, as they spat upon Him and hurled insults at the King of Kings. Yet, through it all, Jesus remained silent, bearing the weight of humanity's sin with unfathomable grace and compassion.

Compelled to bear the weight of his own cross, Jesus, weakened by relentless scourging and exhaustion, faltered under its burden. With cruel indifference to his suffering, the Roman guards seized a bystander named Simon of Cyrene and coerced him into shouldering the cross's weight for the remainder of the journey. As they reached the hill of Golgotha, the place of execution, Jesus was stripped bare and laid upon the wooden beam. With callous disregard for his dignity, they drove nails through his hands and feet, fixing him to the cross he had carried, sealing his fate with the brutality of Roman justice.

In a final act of mockery Roman soldiers nailed a sign to the cross with the message: Jesus King of the Jews.

At noon, an eerie atmosphere descended upon the land, shrouding it in an unsettling darkness that defied explanation. For three long hours, the sun's light was obscured, casting a pall of gloom over the landscape and causing a sense of foreboding to grip the hearts of those who bore witness to this inexplicable phenomenon.

In the midst of this darkness, Jesus, suspended upon the cross, He uttered a cry that echoed through the stillness of the air.Jesus cried out, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit," and then He died. With profound resignation and unwavering trust in His Father, He surrendered His spirit into the hands of God and breathed His last breath. It was a moment charged with significance, marking the culmination of Jesus' earthly mission and the fulfillment of divine prophecy.

Meanwhile, within the sacred confines of the temple, a mysterious event transpired. The thick curtain that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the sanctuary was torn in two, as if by an unseen force. This veil, symbolizing the barrier between God and humanity, was rent asunder, signifying the opening of access to the divine presence for all who would come in faith.

And as if in response to the seismic upheaval of these events, the earth itself convulsed with a great earthquake, shaking the very foundations of creation. It was a moment of cosmic significance, bearing witness to the profound transformation unfolding in the spiritual realm.

In the aftermath of these extraordinary occurrences, a profound sense of awe and reverence filled the hearts of those who beheld them. For in the darkness and the trembling of the earth, they recognized the hand of God at work, ushering in a new era of redemption and reconciliation for all humanity.

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