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Writer's pictureLinda Genzel

Hunting Trump! What Do We Have, A Republic Or A Monarchy? — A Republic, IF We Can Keep It.

Updated: Apr 7, 2024

After the horrific slaughter of almost 3000 Americans on 9/11, a day that will live on in infamy, we lived through next to nearly two decades of what is often referred to as the "War on Terror." A generation that not only brought with it a sense of uncertainty, anger, and fear in the immediate aftermath of the Radical Islamic terrorist attacks on the Homeland but also a time that changed not only America but also the civilized world at large with subsequent terrorist attacks on Europe as we lived in a perpetual state of "High Alert" during the Bush Administration which reverberated throughout Obama's eight-year tenure, primarily due to his utterly weak and feckless hug-a-terrorist, woke posture, even though there has only ever been one retaliatory vigilante attack in America on a single Muslim, Waqar Hasan, a convenience store owner, since that horrendous day, while conversely, to date, the last twenty years has given us over 43,000 and climbing Radical Islamic Terrorist Attacks worldwide along with thousands of senseless killings against non-Muslims.

In addition to our new hypervigilant state of existence in the wake of 9/11 and under the charming yet divisively guileful heel of Obama, we also trudged our way through a rather onerous recession and what is said to have been the Worst Post-WWII economic recovery in recorded history. In fact, Obama is the first U.S. President in modern history not to have had a single year of 3% GDP Growth. Although you would not know that by listening to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and other Democrats as they perpetually mischaracterize the Obama recession as an economic "boom" in their convoluted assumption that the American electorate, bewitched and hypnotized by Obama's blackness and charismatic aura, is much too witless to recall that the politically polite liar, globalist-first, America-last apologist, and deity-in-chief, Barrack Obama, a lawyer by degree and politician by career, devastated our economy after his fiduciary incompetence, business and economic ineptitude, and out-of-control 6 trillion dollar spending spree skidded us off a financial cliff, without a pandemic or a terrorist attack to lay blame for all his intractable, wasteful spending.

That is, until the American people had had enough, reached their limit and wit's end, unhappy with Barack Obama's failed Presidency and the dire economic state of affairs, and decided to roll the dice and take a chance on Donald Trump; what else had they got to lose at that point when they had lost so much already? Why not give Trump a shot? After all, he is an Ivy-League U-Penn economist by degree and an exceptionally successful Fortune 500 business tycoon by a career with a mad math acumen for numbers. Indeed, he was the perfect prescription, a potent, powerful tonic of financial skills and economic prowess needed to heal and turn our ailing economy around, which he certainly did do, crushing it in jaw-dropping record time, albeit to the ire of Democrats and the D.C. Establishment.

How dare President Trump humiliate King Obama by putting America and the American People first, prioritizing and placing the People above Politics, Party, and Power, and by putting our economy back in the black and on the fast track to real economic recovery and "Boom," a noteworthy inflection point that can be charted from the very day Trump took office and not just with regard to economic growth and prosperity but also as it pertains to a resurgence in Americanism which also stands in measurably stark contrast to the Obama/Biden days of America last.

Finally, there was a renewed sense of hope for America in President Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential Victory. In many ways, like his Conservative predecessor, President Ronald Reagan, also a target of ire and malicious Democrat attacks, Trump brought about long overdue economic prosperity with much-needed security and stability as a proponent and champion of traditional Conservative Policies and Constitutional Values, which led to quite possibly, no, quite literally, the greatest economic boom in American history. Indeed, because of President Trump's America-First, One-Nation-Under-God Nationalist agenda with a focus on energy independence, tax cuts across the board, deregulation, a strong sense of American Sovereignty, Patriotism, pride, and border security combined with his "The American-taxpayer-is-not-the-worlds-piggybank" foreign policy stance, to say nothing of his historic successes in the Middle East and his obliteration of the ISIS Caliphate and his annihilation of the terrorist leaders Qassem Soleimani and Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the worlds two most sadistic prolific serial killers, peace was achieved and restored in America through President Trump's strength.

Unfortunately, on January 21st, 2021, within hours of taking office and out of what was and, quite frankly, still is unambiguous vindictive spite and hatred for the People's President, Donald J. Trump, the newly anointed Democrat President, Joe Biden, a feeble man with the intellectual prowess of a pigmy, known to most in Washington as the "dim bulb of D.C.," along with being another second-rate mediocre lawyer by degree, a PROLIFIC LIAR by pathology, and a half-century-old, Creepy, decrepit Establishment insider, and self-serving career politician by day and, of course, supported by a Progressive(ly) Socialist Congress, wiped out much of Trump's outstanding achievements with the swipe of a pen through executive fiat, effectively bringing us right back to the Obama days where our economy was weak, businesses struggled, taxes and inflation exploded, our Government expanded, and our cultural and Constitutional Values and Principles became unrecognizable, because to hell with the People, Patriotism, the Declaration of Independence, and our Rights enshrined in the United States Constitution.

Yes, indeed, Trump was and is, to be sure, a threat to the Democrat's Centralized Government, One-World-Order plan to upend our Constitutional Republic, and so therefore, must be dealt with accordingly in keeping with the ever-devolving, perfidious, and insidiously malign Washington D.C. Establishment Deep-State soulless spirit.

You see, to Biden and Democrats, it's all about the preservation and protection of Power and Party above all else and by any and all means possible, no matter the collateral damage to the American people, and, simply put, Trump was and clearly still is a threat to the Establishment's Deep-State Order, Structural Institution of Cultural Marxism, and operational drive for "Absolute Power," whose ultimate goal is to destroy our Republic and revert our Nation back to the Pre-Revolutionary days of King George III where the people were subjects controlled by the Ruling Class and freedom was not an absolute Unalienable Right.

For seven years, Democrat politicians, in a joint collaborative effort with George Soros, funded blue city, progressive prosecutors, and activist Judges aided by the left-wing propagandist media in what can only be characterized as modern-day McCarthyism, have been on a malicious, politically motivated crusade, desperately seeking to keep and/or kick President Trump out of the Oval Office by any and all means or measures possible; hell-bent on indicting and putting him behind bars on felony charges for either expressing his opinion, exercising his Constitutional Rights, issuing brutally honest statements of fact, or for settling a perfectly lawful legally binding Non-Disclosure-Agreement (NDA) with personal funds, and for what? Because Trump declared his intention to run on the Republican ticket as a candidate for President in the 2024 General Election, and so in line with other Despotic Far-Left Dictatorships and Tyrants, like, for example, Venezuela's Hugo Chávez, Democrats, no doubt at the behest of Joe Biden and Barrack Obama, have decided to indict, prosecute, and imprison Trump because it is much much easier to jail their political opponents than it is to campaign and beat them on merit and policy at the ballot box in what are supposed to be "Free and Fair" elections that are decided by the people and not power hungry politicians..

In the almost some odd 250-year storied history of America, this will be the first time a former and possibly future United States President has ever faced criminal charges for what Constitutional scholars on both sides of the political aisle correctly argue are not even violations of the law, let alone criminal misdemeanors, much less felonies.

While Democrats rattle off their overused, tired old, disingenuous, and duplicitous line of utter bullshit that "no one is above the law," New York Democrat District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is, coincidentally, acting "above the law" by operating outside of his lane, jurisdiction, and authority as a "State" Attorney attempting to prosecute a fictitious "Federal" felony, must demonstrate beyond all reasonable doubt that Trump had no other logical and justifiable reason other than the election to privately resolve an NDA dispute (out of personal and not campaign funds) with stormy Daniels.

Of course, any serious, reasonable, nonpartisan prosecutor acting with judicial honesty and integrity and within the bounds of the law not only knows that this indictment smacks of political perversion but is also astutely aware of the indisputable fact that there are a plethora of personal reasons, besides the election, why President Trump would settle an NDA outside of the public sphere; after all, it is a 'Non-Disclosure-Agreement," which by its very namesake is legally intended to protect and keep PRIVATE MATTERS PRIVATE.

Obviously, without delving into the weeds, there are several glaring, at first glance affirmative defenses to this politically motivated frivolous indictment, which, of course, means that throughout the duration of the trial, there will be numerous appeals and motions to dismiss and also recuse on several grounds, in addition to a motion for a change of venue because Trump, without a shadow of a doubt, could not possibly ever, under any circumstances, get a fair trial in the deep blue, George Soros dark money funded and controlled City of Manhattan and State of New York.

They say that Grand Juries can indict a ham sandwich for tasting good or bad if a prosecutor wills it; well, it appears that is certainly not an understatement, at least not as far as New York DA Alvin Bragg and AG Letitia James, along with Atlanta's DA Fani Willis, and D.C.'s pit bull prosecutor Jack Smith are concerned; it seems to be their basic premise as it pertains to President Trump for the crime of existing and being a living, breathing human being, and Conservative who reveres the Constitution and the people for whom it was established to defend and protect against Big Government overreach, politics, politicians, power, and tyranny.

President Donald Trump has often said, "They know that we can defeat them. They know that we will defeat them. They are not coming after me. They are coming after you; I'm just standing in their way, and I always will stand in their way." Well, once again, as the proverbial new adage or aphorism goes, "TRUMP WAS RIGHT AGAIN!" You see, it actually isn't about him or any one person; it's about you, and it's about me, and it's about every God-Fearing Patriotic Conservative American who believes in and upholds the Constitution, the Bill Of Rights to the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence; it's about these, our Founding Documents, and those of us who seek to defend, protect, and preserve them who are a threat, a blockade, if you will, to the Lefts ultimate goal of achieving One-Party centralized rule that has unrestricted and unrestrained command and control over every facet of our lives from the cradle to the grave through Absolute Power.

Democrats have spent decades systematically chipping away at our Constitution in an effort to undermine our Constitutional Republic, Rights, and Laws enshrined in our Founding Documents. Most especially, the first Ten Amendments in the Bill of Rights to the Constitution, which not only stands as a bulwark of Rights between "We the People" against Government overreach but also contains the very fundamental Founding Principles and Values upon which this great Nation was built and stitched together after a hard-fought Revolutionary War beginning at America's inception on July 4th, 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was ratified guareeteeing Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, then on September 17th, 1787 when the United States Constitution was signed, certified, and proclaimed the "Supreme Law of the Land," and finally on December 15th, 1791 when the Bill of Rights to the Constitution was adopted and added to the Constitution in order to guarantee our Absolute Unalienable Rights and reinforce the Absolute Limitations that Federal and State Governments have over "We the People" in order to protect and safeguard our Freedoms, Liberties, and Rights from the Ruling Class and Monarchs like King George III and the type of tyranny and tyrants that inevitably always springs forth from and goes hand in glove with Big Governments.

Indeed, unlike any other nation in the world, America had a very different and distinct advent. It did not evolve or rise from a Dynasty or Monarchy; America came about to spite a Monarchy, more specifically because of King George III, an unscrupulous Monarch who was determined to usurp and bring unruly, defiant, freedom-seeking Americans to heel.

Not unlike Biden and the Democrat's repeated spurious assertion that our Constitutional Rights are not absolute, a blatant contrived fallacy intended, in all probability, to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of the Constitutionally illiterate in an effort to undermine and sully the credibility and permanence of the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence, King George's repudiation and rejection of the God-given Unalienable Rights of those living in the colonies led to the Revolutionary War, whether it was the Battles of Lexington and Concord which kick-started the Revolutionary War, or the Battle of Saratoga, Bunker Hill, or Valley Forge, what has happened in America's short storied history, that led to the creation of this spectacular Freedom-loving Nation, is truly impressive. The Revolutionary War happened because our Founding Fathers sought Freedom above all else.

People came to America from all over the world, at first in their thousands and then in their millions, all longing for an opportunity, a chance to live in a place where their only limitations were in their own mindset, abilities, and will to succeed.

If you read the Declaration of Independence, its affirmations and safeguards are extraordinarily significant, particularly given the tumultuous political times we live in today. Like the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence is a living, breathing document that pertains to and protects our Rights and Freedoms against tyranny, whether nearly 250 years ago or today; it, like the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, is not just some historical document, a remnant of a bygone era that hangs framed on the walls of the Rotunda in our Nations Capital, but it's the law, that is, in fact, Absolutely Absolute no matter what lie Democrats spin to the contrary!

The Declaration of Independence states that: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security..."

What does this mean?

It means our Unalienable Rights and Freedoms, later enshrined in the Bill of Rights to the Constitution, come from our maker and not from the Government, nor a Monarchy, or a King, but from God and God alone. Everything our Founding Fathers fought for and built was centered and created around the concept and ideals that embody Freedom and the American Dream, the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness for "We the People," and not for Governments, Congress, or Despots who seek to subjugate, prosecute, and jail those who oppose their tyranny.

For seven years, Democrats have tried every which way to take down Trump. Still, for seven years, they have failed each and every time, visibly demonstrating and proving his point that their unrelenting vicious crusade against him is unquestionably a politically motivated Witch-Hunt, and why? Well, because he clearly is the one person who has not only demonstrated over and over again that he can neither be bought nor sold by the D.C. Establishment ruling class but that he will never back down and will always fight for the good of the People, for our Rights, Our Freedoms, and for the Sovereignty, safety, and security of our Republic first and foremost. Indeed, with the use of his "MAGAphone" and in the face of all the abuse and attacks that he has had to endure at the hands of Democrats, Trump has not only demonstrated his unmatched strength and fortitude but also proven that he is capable, willing, wanting, and able to stand up to them, the Deep-State DC Establishment Swamp, in order to thwart and terminate their scheming efforts to ride roughshod over the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the very documents and Foundation upon which this great Nation was built and the reason America exists today; documents that were ratified into law to protect, defend, and guarantee our Freedoms and Rights against tyranny, against a Government that has been weaponized against its own people.

Whether you like, love, or loathe President Trump, think about the rule of law and the consequences of what will happen, what will become of America, our lives, our hopes and dreams, and our children's future if we simply ignore, turn a blind eye, and permit by default, rogue Democrat prosecutors, politicians, activist Judges, and the Establishment ruling-class to continue to manipulate and/or manufacture fictitious laws out of whole cloth where no laws exist, by acting outside of their jurisdiction, legal authority, and the Constitutional Rights of, at first, former President Trump, then their political opponents, and finally onto us, ordinary average everyday Americans so that they can then cherry-pick and anoint rather than to elect those who control the levers of power?

Would or could we ever recover from these abuses of power if such usurpations are allowed to continue unchecked for much longer, or is it already too late? Are we devolving into another Venezuela, which, under the exact same political environment and wresting of Freedoms and Rights under the guise of social justice and equity for all, collapsed within ten years?

The answers to these questions are inevitably up to the American citizenry. To ensure that our Freedoms and all our Unalienable Rights remain intact, we must fearlessly stand up and fight back, of course, peacefully and patriotically, that is (violence is never the answer; after all, we are not Democrats), by raising our thunderous voices in spectacularly brave righteous indignation!

It's time for Americans remember that America—as glorious and as beautiful as she is—is nothing without the ideals of Freedom and Rights that made her exceptional in the first place.

Linda Genzel editor at WECU News.


198 views4 comments


Apr 02, 2023

Be a vote by Nations, to surrender thier sovereignty based on Pandemics to the WHO. All downhill from there if approved.


Apr 02, 2023

Part 3) The NWO is picking up, where Donald Trump intervened, and thier plan is to subjugate the world by 2030. This May, there will w


Apr 02, 2023

Part 2) Trump is fighting the CABAL. The people are under a deep ether, and the younger generation has been deprived of the knowledge of world history. The younger get the value from sexual identity rather than God, and having themselves as God's, are thinking thier voices can silence a tank. They lack that kind of power. The Dems let them lead themselves to slaughter, while the Constitution seeks to keep them free. The USA and Israel, 2 God fearing countries, are all that stand between the NWO and world subjugation.


Apr 02, 2023

Peacefully and Patrotically, ironically enough, would never have gotten the job done to remove King George's yoke from off our founders' necks. Our 2nd amendment was filing to prevent the devolution of the USA back to Monachies and serfdom, yet people throw it away and discount it like taboo, w

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