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Writer's pictureDavid DiCrescenzo

So, America has been spared another very bad President. Now what..?

The 2024 election was about so much more than the election of our next president and other offices around the nation. As I’ve written about a lot and believe with every fiber of my being, we remain a very unrepentant nation and don’t deserve God’s Blessing, nor have we for a very long time.

However, for reasons known only to Him and according to His perfect will and timing, He has decided to extend His Grace and give this nation another, and dare I say, last chance to turn away from our wrath incurring national sins.

Back in 1962, we allowed prayer to be banned in our schools which kicked the door wide open and allowed the “enemy” a foothold to control the course and conversation of America, to the point that over the last fifty years we have murdered more than 63 million of His babies and we continue to do so while at the same time, we have embraced every vile thing that His Word admonishes us against. The sort of things such as sexual immorality of all types and a whole lot more that He has judged mankind for in the past both regionally in the case of places like Sodom and Gomorrah, and globally such as the great flood of Noah’s day.

Scripture is very clear that in end times, immorality will be rampant, “as in the days of Noah.” and so much more, and these things are certainly happening around the world, there will be “wars and rumors of wars,” Israel will be surrounded and attacked, children will dishonor their parents, there will be a great apostasy of the church, there will be signs in the Heavens, and a whole lot more than this essay has space for.

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