~by Lynn Matthews and Tim Walsh
Socialism as defined by Encyclopedia Britannica is: “social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. Society as a whole, therefore, should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members
”Sounds Great Right? Everyone works for the common goal. The government owns all business, and businesses are to distribute the wealth of their endeavors among their employees. The state owns the means of production and everything is distributed equally.
Millennial’s are seeking to overturn the current economic system of the United States and replace it with socialism. Touting that capitalism produces a class of unfairness. They are demanding a free education, as well as free healthcare, via Medicare for all, and that private enterprise be taxed at such a high rate that eventually enterprise will leave the United States, or be forced to conform in order to remain relevant.
While the current system of capitalism, has its flaws, it in no way is as flawed as that of socialism. Major Media, as well as social media giants are even pressing more and more towards a social type of socialism, whereby they are pushing ideologies that do not conform to the norm are more and more being pressed. Commercials are now promoting anti-Aids medication, and making it appear that what Christians claim are aberrant behavior are now suddenly the norm. Having multiple partners, as well as homosexual sexual congress is being pushed by the media as normal behavior. Also, having an abortion is as normal as a choosing a house.
Essentially, the United States is rewriting its value system, and using the Major Media and social media giants to push the message. Red Hot Media recently read an article, in the Mass Resistance, although it was written to normalize homosexual behavior, we believe that there are many common places whereby it is being applied to push Socialism. It lists out a plan to normalize homosexuality in a series of steps, but for this purpose we will adapt their paper to point out how it can be used to promote socialism.
The first step is to desensitize people to the idea of Socialism. By encouraging students from elementary schools to University level, to become desensitized to anything different. Eliminating individualism, and encouraging students to conform to a dress code where everyone at an elementary school level especially to wear the same shirt, pants, shorts. Thus eliminating any sort of difference in appearance that could possibly separate them from the norm.
Second Phase is shaming and disinformation. Making people feel shame when they are not part of the pack. Shamming people for thinking differently when they object to certain aspects of an ideal that goes contrary to the public opinion. For example, supporting Donald Trump. It was the Major Media that coined the phrase, “Main Stream Media”, as a mechanism of shaming, to make everyone think and feel that any other source of information (other than themselves) are “fringe” or “radical”, or even “conspiracy” – like Alex Jones has been branded as. This also “shapes” the narrative, and is manipulated to “manufacture” information that is consumed by viewers and information seekers into “Pseudo-Events”.
Daniel Boorstin who may have been the first to suggest this idea in a book, published in 1961, titled The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America. In it, Boorstin recognized that simulation is a distinct social category, linking together many apparently disparate phenomena.Other examples of the Major Media shaming people or creating Pseudo-Events are like when commentators like Don Lemon openly calls our president a “racist” and shames publicly members of his administration who believe that he is contrary to their opinion. When political rallies to be attacked by leftists; the media portrays anyone who has patriotic views of our nation as Racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic bigots.
The Charlottesville riots were a prime example of the media creating a pseudo-event, declaring that everyone attending a rally in Charlottesville was a member of a White Supremacist organization when in fact that was NOT the case. In essence, if you tell a lie enough, eventually it will assumed as a fact.
Other pseudo events include where the Major Media have portrayed the violent acts of a group called ANTIFA as heroic for beating up alleged Nazi’s when there were no Nazi’s present. ANTIFA was in fact given accolades from the media for their efforts, in the name if “Anti-Fascism”, to use violence to stamp out anyone with an opposing opinion – Fascism defined.
A few law makers have taken to admire, and in some cases openly advocate this violent social justice tactic of openly harassing and shaming others who do not follow the ideology of those that advocate for a more progressive platform. One such example is Maxine Waters of California where she calls on her constituents to drive anyone from the current presidential administration’s cabinet away from their daily functions. Core Booker was even quoted as saying: ‘Get up in their face”. Eric Holder even said “Kick Them..(when they are down)”.
The third and final step is conversion. This is where there is more coverage of those ideals that go against what Americans believed in traditionally, basically forcing them into finally accepting the inevitable outcome. By promoting more and more a hatred of anything that goes against the narrative, and making social shunning of those individuals, either by violence or plain over load of senses, Americans will finally accept their place that socialism is going to be a mainstay in America.
It is important to note that one of the objectives of a socialist state is controlling media. The Social Control of the media. Social Control referring to the measures used to ensure that people act in accordance with the expectations of the society. Socialism takes into account the economic, political and social ideology of the society it infects. A socialist police state controls ALL media. A complicit media is a controlled media.
While America is predominately a fiscally capitalistic society, there are sectors of the economy that have government regulations to prevent such events as gouging during disasters. Fire, Police roads are examples of Government controls. However, there is a push to make the government the “big-brother” overseeing private enterprise into more governmental regulations and restrictions. Historically, when the economy has been pushed heavily in a socialist direction, it has required capitalist measures to provide relief.
“The ultimate goal of Socialism is Communism” – Vladimir Lenin