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Writer's pictureChristopher G. Adamo

Understanding the Enormity of Matt Gaetz's Speakership Rebellion

It is a sad irony that such a major sector of America loudly decries the appalling corruption and rampant mutual back-scratching so typical of Washington "politics as usual." Yet the moment somebody goes resolutely into the belly of that fetid beast and makes a genuine effort to change how things are done, so many of those same people are eager to condemn the individual for shaking things up.

This is precisely the reaction we are seeing from across the land, in the wake of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz successfully ousting California RINO Kevin McCarthy from the Speaker's chair. The castigation and condemnation of Gaetz has been immediate and "bipartisan," given that Establishment Republican players saw fit to decry and condemn him in terms they would never wield against the leftist Democrats.

Booting McCarthy was a first in the history of our Constitutional Republic. And that in itself says much about what is fundamentally wrong inside the D.C. Swamp. For starters, do people really believe that McCarthy was the first and only Speaker to ever have been recognized by the Congress as unfit to hold that position?

In particular, the massive programming of new politicians by the D.C. political machine, to "go along and get along," has been enormously beneficial to the efforts of the elites inside the Beltway to shield themselves from any true reckoning from those ignorant peasants back home. Even individuals who are basically good-intentioned, quickly themselves sucked into the "system" once they arrive at the halls of power (and money). From that point forward too many are unable to sufficiently buck the current to actually get anything worthwhile accomplished.

The notion of all this being "fixed" by term limits is itself misbegotten. Even if the enormous effort required to enact a constitutional amendment stipulating term limits ever succeeded, the "Swamp" would quickly regroup. It needs only to gather a line-up of new corrupt political players to occasionally replace the old ones, and "business as usual" can continue with barely a hiccup.

But now the game has changed. RINOs who have been betraying the Conservative base, and thus all decent Americans in this manner for years are not happy about it. To date, they faced no actual backlash, other than some derisive commentary from the Conservative punditry. And that invariably blows over by the next election cycle.

The action by Gaetz signals a new day of accountability that they will have to face. The political "Establishment" (both parties) can be called on its duplicity, with the prospect of public and professional disgrace looming for the individuals in question. Betrayals that once might only have resulted in criticism on the nightly Fake News might potentially be career ending events. The Washington swamp, that deems itself morally and intellectually superior to the rest of the Country, recoils at such a possibility, and will do everything in its expansive power to put that genie back in the bottle.

Of critical importance at this juncture is to note those "conservatives" who are not standing on the right side of this episode. This was a defining event. The critics of Gaetz who claim to be "on the right" are proving their willingness to go along with the D.C. status quo, which means they have no real interest in addressing rampant corruption in the halls of Congress and at the highest levels of government, other than to make a good livelihood from their pontification. Failure to stand at this historical crossroads absolutely defines them as to their real allegiances. And this must never be forgotten.

Once again, the best course for Conservatives and Patriots is to supplant leftist/Globalist propaganda with the truth. This feat is accomplished loudly and diligently spotlighting not only the McCarthy debacle, but all of the other duplicitous and corrupt actions of the "elites," in terms reflecting their stark and ugly reality. This requires a boldness from those truly on the right that is commensurate with the courage and resolve of Representative Gaetz and the handful of others in the Congress who helped him slay the dragon.

It is equally important to relentlessly return the discourse back to the real issues and controversies which revealed McCarthy's treachery and proved to Gaetz that he needed to pull the plug. This ruckus was not about some dubious character trait on the part of Gaetz. Rather, it was all about the atrocious actions of the Biden Cabal, and the unwillingness of McCarthy to hold them responsible for the disaster that they are deliberately inflicting on America. And none of that has anything to do with the supposed "horror" of a government shutdown.

Rather, the bones of contention for Gaetz were the disastrous Biden Cabal border policy, along with the revolving door of "funding" for Ukraine, and now Iran. Of course leftist Democrats and Establishment "Republicans" will deflect in every possible manner, owing to the fact that Real America is absolutely in sync with Representative Gaetz on both. It is for this reason that the issues driving the speaker situation need to be continually brought back to the forefront of the debate so the American people never forget what the uproar is really all about.

The disaster at the border vastly exceeds the grasp of most Americans. Even if we survive the onslaught (and that is by no means guaranteed), our Nation will be dealing with its consequences for decades to come. In like manner, the federal spending spree portends eventual extreme hardship and deprivation, coupled with the empowerment of such hostile regimes as Iran and their terrorist minions.

America is at a crossroads, and Representative Matt Gaetz has just taken a courageous stand by which he shows us one possible avenue of recourse. It is now up to Freedom Caucus members, and all Americans who love their Country, to stand firmly with him and carry forward the torch of government "Of, By, and For the People."


Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for many years, seeking to restore and uphold the Judeo-Christian principles on which our Nation was founded. His book, "Rules for Defeating Radicals," is the "Go To" guide for effectively confronting and overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.

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