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What a Week

This week President Biden after making claims that you won't get the virus if you get the vaccine was diagnosed with Covid. According to his physician, the President is doing well. He showed him his empty plate and that was a good sign that President Biden has an appetite.

Lee Zeldin (R) NY was brutally attacked at a campaign event, and the attacker was released on the same day. However, on Twitter, you would have thought the man was still in custody because for an entire day, Trending was the post about the suspect still in custody.

Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon was found guilty of contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena from the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack. Despite him not being Trump's advisor during the events of January 6.

Liz Cheney threatens Ginni Thomas wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas with a subpoena over the events of January 6th.

Democrats are importing a new class of slave labor disguised as child labor. With the border out of control, democrats have found that child labor is acceptable. As Hyundai subsidiary employed several children in their facility.

Biden is considering declaring a climate emergency due to the heat across the country, while gas and oil are still extremely high. All while still imploring foreign nations to sell the United States their oil.

The WHO has declared Monkey Pox a "Global Health Emergency" even though, "Gay and bisexual men are disproportionately affected by the spread of the virus, with 98% of those infected from this group." The spread of the virus is due to close contact with an infected person.

Yes, it has been a busy week around the world, and we haven't even discussed the fact that the state department is helping fund a film festival in Portugal that features drag queens, incest, and yes, pedophilia.

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